11 August 2007

I'm the jugganaut, Bitch!

Okay, well not really, but right now I lack even the minimum amount of energy or excitement to put together a 2 minute short film such as the Jugganaut, bitch. I am finding that I am in one of those moods where just being awake makes me aggrivated. I don't want to write, work, play a game, eat, drink, smoke, or even fucking move. It's like I'm suffering from LIFERS BLOCK.

I'm not depressed or anything, just lack the major motivations to do anything more than pound away on this little keyboard, while staring at this massively intimidating screen. I have ideas, even now, surging through my head for my next spec, but they remain an accumulating jumble of shit in my brain because I lack the fucking energy to write them out. At this pace, I should have the entire thing written in my head, word for word, by the time I actually sit down and right it.


I like that word. Not because it's bad or because my wife says it in conjuction with other dirty words during happy-time. No, I like it because it's simple, smooth and flows like a good drag from an even better cigar. It's familiar, like an old friend and who do we all turn to when we're sucking ass for motivation? That's right! Old friends. So fuck, fuckety fuck...fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Fuck this, I'm going to smoke.

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