31 July 2007

My problem with Zoetrope!

Ahoy ye swabs...Rod here, back with my second post to enthuse the masses. Been a while, but shit happens (ironically in conjuction with my family vacation). So without further ado...

Over the last few weeks, I have been doing a good amount of pot stirring over in the world of Zoetrope. com. Formerly a decent sight for workshopping screenwriters and such, it has devolved into this cavernous hell of dreamers, has-beens, and never-will-bes. It's sad!

So anyway, I've been over there starting a fair amount of shit for the purpose of shutting down some of the assholes over there who are passing off their bullshit for gospel. I know, I know...why should I care? The answer is simple...knowledge.

When it came to writing, a year ago I knew dick. Still don't know it all, and probably have a thousand grammatical errors in this blog, but I don't care, because I'm still growing as a writer and embrace this suckage. The problem with Zoetrope is that you have people over there, who I won't name, with maybe one or two direct to DVD creds, passing information like Rohypnol at a rave. These junior writers are overwhelmed with what and what not to do's, how and how not to writes, and worst of all...BULLSHIT LIES!

I think it's sad, and almost despicable that these old men and women, seemingly untalented and well versed in the art of bashing, are using these poor dreamers who still have a chance to make themselves feel better about never making it. In essence, it's the jealousy factor that motivates them.


It needs to stop, and so be it if my account is deleted for bashing some dude in the public, because hopefully one of those new writers will be able to see in those moments that the man or woman they were looking up to, was only setting them up for disaster. As screenwriters, we all need to realize that our shit sinks and be able to describe it in a sentence or two...get it, LOGline...but we need not bash our fellow brothers and sisters in the ways of the pen. My goal has always been to become a screenwriter, and I'll be damned if I ever stop. I may never get a credit to my name, but it will never stop me from trying. And I will always share what knowledge I have with others, even if it's second-hand, to ensure that if I don't make it, maybe someone else will have a shot.

But what do I know...I'm just a noob.


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